Fig. 1. Effect of acute administration of Pi on 32P uptake into duodenal and jejunal BBMVs. Freshly prepared brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) from duodenal (A) and jejunal mucosa (B) of rats intragastrically gavaged with saline (NaCl-ig, n≥ 5) or with Pi (Pi-ig, n≥ 10) as well as of rats intravenously infused with saline (NaCl-iv, n≥ 7) or with Pi (Pi-iv, n≥ 5) were incubated with 32P and 3H-glucose in the presence of cold substrate as described in Material and Methods. For each rat, the Na+-dependent incorporation of 32P was normalized to the Na+-dependent incorporation of 3H-glucose. Columns represent mean ± the standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical comparisons were performed using one-way ANOVA, followed by the Bonferroni post-test with a confidence interval of 95%.